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the expiration of one‘s power of agency
代理权终止  detail>>
exceeds (one’s) power of agency
超越代理权  detail>>
expiration of one
任满  detail>>
power agency
权力机构  detail>>
power of agency
代理权  detail>>
the power of one
情系我心 西部小英雄  detail>>
 n.  1.呼出空气,呼气 〔cf. inspiration〕; 呼出物,嘘出的声音。 2.〔古语〕断气,死亡。 3.终止,届满,截止,满期 (of...  detail>>
abuse of the power of agency
滥用代理权  detail>>
beyond the scope of the power of agency
超越代理权  detail>>
exercise the power of agency
行使代理权  detail>>
has no power of agency
没有代理权  detail>>
trade power property agency co
至域物业代理行  detail>>
abuse one’s power
滥用职权  detail>>
have sb in one’s power
能左右某人  detail>>
more power to one
加油  detail>>
one-arm power jerk
单臂向上举  detail>>
one-unit power plant
单机组电站  detail>>
power to instruct and guide one of the
化导力  detail>>